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Right to Access Information

​​​​​In accordance wit​h Law No. 12 of 2020 regar​ding the righ​t to a​ccess information, this page displays the steps required to obtain the information in the possession of the Institution, the administrative decisions and the related documents without being incompatible with any applicable legislation.

1​- Attend in person to the headquarters, head to office 37 in the Pension & Social Security Service Hall, and fill out the application form prepared for this in writing.
2- ​​The applicant will immediately receive a notification with the details of his application.
1- The response to the request will be within 10 working days from its date, and this period may be extended for a similar period or more, and a maximum of three months if it contains a lot of information.
2- The documents are delivered to the applicant after paying a fee of KD 5 for each document that does not exceed 10 papers, and half a dinar is added for each extra paper.


