What are the conditions for disbursing the commutation during the the employee’s service?
The insured shall be entitled to the retirement pension assuming his entitlement thereto on the date of submitting the application for commutation.
Is it permissible to apply for commutation during service more than once a year?
It is not permissible until upon the lapse of one full year from the date of the last application for commutation. An exception is made if the full amount that is allowed to be commutated is not exhausted.
What are the conditions for conjoining the periods preceding citizenship?
The periods preceding the citizenship shall be conjoined according to the following conditions:
- The service period must be in one of the entities specified in Resolution No. (21) of 1982. (Click here to view the entities).
- It is required that the service period be actual for which the insured received a salary, even if it is a lump sum salary, a temporary job, or a temporary work.
- The service period must be later than the age of 18 years or the age specified for appointment with the employer. Example: If the age prescribed to work for the employer is 21 years, and the employee joined it at the age of 18, his service period is calculated commencing from 21 years.
- The service period must be registered at the employer (service certificate).
- The duration required for conjoining is indivisible and must be conjoined in full.
- Entitlement to a retirement pension assuming that there is no conjoining or service termination upon attaining the age of (50) years.
Who are the employers in whom it is permissible to conjoin the periods of service preceding the citizenship?
The entities in which previous periods of service may be conjoined are:
- Governmental entities.
- Authorities and institutions with a budget attached to the state budget, or independent budgets, and other public authorities.
- Shareholding companies with public contribution.
- Banks.
- State-owned companies, even if the period of service therein was prior to state ownership.
- Closed shareholding companies owned by the organizations stipulated in the preceding clauses, individually or with third parties.
- Arabian Oil Company Ltd., once the service had begun prior to 20/5/1970.
- Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- International Islamic Charitable Organization.
- Sports Authorities.
When is the application for conjoining submitted for the period preceding citizenship?
The application for conjoining must be submitted, along with the required documents attached, no later than two years from the date of obtaining the Kuwaiti citizenship or joining work, whichever is earlier.
When may the employee conjoin a nominal contribution period for entitlement to the retirement pension?
Upon attaining the age of (50) years and above, with an actual service period of no less than 7 and a half years, provided that the application is submitted within a month from the date of service termination.
When may the employee conjoin a nominal contribution period to increase the retirement pension?
The application may be submitted during service or within one month from the date of retirement, provided that the periods to be conjoined are 3 months or multiples thereof, with a maximum of 5 years.
Inquiries about the registration of workers abroad and the terms and percentage of contribution?
These are employees in the government sector or the private sector outside the State of Kuwait, whether in Arab or foreign countries, as well as employees in Kuwait who are employed by employers that are not subject to the Kuwaiti Social Security Law (Example: international organizations). Their registration in this insurance is optional, and for Kuwaitis working in one of the GCC countries, the insurance is mandatory.
What are the salary elements subject to basic and supplementary insurance for the government sector and fully state-owned companies?
- Elements of the basic insurance salary are (the basic salary and social allowance in addition to the children’s allowance) with a maximum of KD 1500.
- The elements of the mandatory supplementary salary are (insurable allowances and the excess of the maximum salary, subject to basic insurance) and not to exceed KD1250.
What is the starting bracket for contribution in accordance with the provisions of Chapter Five for those who have obtained an academic qualification?
Bracket | Qualification |
750.000 | At least a university degree in the disciplines of medicine, pharmacy and engineering |
700.000 | At least a university degree in the disciplines of law, accounting, information systems, statistics, economics, nursing, finance, financial institution financing, financial management, insurance, foreign trade, banking, cooperation, and teaching |
650.000 | At least a university degree in all other disciplines |
600.000 | A post-secondary diploma or its equivalent, a high school certificate with a training course of no less than two academic years or its equivalent |
550.000 | A high school certificate with a training course of at least one academic year or its equivalent. An intermediate certificate with a training course of no less than three academic years or its equivalent. |
500.000 | A high school certificate, an intermediate certificate with a training course of at least one academic year or its equivalent |
500.000 | Intermediate School certificate. |
500.000 | Pre-intermediate certificate. |
500.000 | Professional qualification. |
500.000 | Intermediate with a one-year course or Intermediate with one year experience or Pre-Intermediate with two years experience |
200.000 | Illiterate, optionally registered and disability pensioner
When can the monthly contribution bracket be changed?
For each bracket a mandatory contribution period that must be met before transitioning from it, which is as follows:
The bracket on which the contributions are paid | Minimum period to elapse before modification (A) | Maximum period to elapse before modification (B) |
200 | 21 months | 30 months |
250 | 21 months | 30 months |
300 | 21 months | 30 months |
350 | 21 months | 30 months |
400 | 21 months | 30 months |
450 | 21 months | 30 months |
500 | 21 months | 30 months |
550 | 21 months | 30 months |
600 | 18 months | 27 months |
650 | 18 months | 27 months |
700 | 15 months | 24 months |
750 | 15 months | 24 months |
800 | 15 months | 24 months |
850 | 12 months | 24 months |
900 | 12 months | 24 months |
950 | 12 months | 24 months |
1000 | 12 months | 24 months |
1050 and more | 9 months | 24 months
Who are subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Law?
Those who are subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Law are the insured people working in the private and oil sectors only, with effect from 05/01/2013
What is the amount disbursed for unemployment insurance?
60% of the salary on the basis of which the retirement pension is calculated in accordance with Article 19 of the Social Security Law, in addition to the pension due for his balance from the supplementary insurance, assuming that he is entitled to it on the date of service termination. The increases disbursed by the state to employees in the private and oil sectors are added, and are disbursed for a maximum period of 6 months each time.
Is it possible to apply to the Civil Service Commission while the unemployment allowance is being disbursed, and is the allowance ceased if the Civil Service Commission’s nomination is rejected?
It is possible to apply to the Civil Service Commission during the disbursement of unemployment compensation, and the allowance is not ceased if the nominations of the Civil Service Commissions are rejected.
Are those self-employed entitled to unemployment compensation?
Those self-employed, engaged in a commercial activity, are not subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Law, and therefore are not entitled to any compensation.
What are the elements of the salary subject to basic and supplementary insurance for the private and oil sectors?
- Elements of basic insurance salary are the salary received by the insured from the employer, in addition to the social allowance, the children’s allowance, and the educational qualification allowance, which is disbursed from manpower support, without exceeding KD 1500.
- The elements of the salary subject to the mandatory supplementary insurance are more than the maximum salary subject to the basic insurance, without exceeding KD 1250.